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Vegan Sugar Cookies for Santa & Lemon Bars with Almond Flour Crust and Vegan Butter🎄🤤

Happy Holidays!!! This is the one time of year I attempt baking! I have a tradition with my daughter of baking and decorating sugar cookies for Santa, and today was the day we baked!

In my experience, a great way to reduce cholesterol and "bad fat", and add nutrition is to use plant-based ingredients. Luckily, there are a million options these days, to do just that, and not lose the flavor we all love.

These desserts are both made with Almond Flour and Vegan Butter.

Today I followed great recipes, and just made a few substitutions to add nutritional value, while keeping all that love for a holiday treat, and best part- made special holiday memories with my girl. (We still need to decorate the cookies- but was time for a break 😉)

Vegan Sugar Cookies

I followed this recipe and replaced all-purpose flour with almond flour.

I had read that you need to convert the AP flour amount when using almond flour, however, I had to play with it a bit to get the right consistency of dough. Also used AP flour when rolling it out to firm it up a bit. The delicious flavors were all there but had to play with consistency a bit. I ended adding about 1.5 cups almond flour (started with 1/4 cup ) vs the 2 cups AP in the recipe. Anyone have any advice on this?

Lemon Bars with Almond Flour and Vegan Butter

Lemon Bars have a special place in my heart as my grandmother always made them for our family's Christmas Eve celebration- and I LOVED them! She was Scandanavian, and her other specialty was Sandbakkels - which I also devoured and hoping to give them a whirl tomorrow!

I followed this recipe exactly, just substituted the butter for vegan butter. I also made the crust in the food processor- super easy! These are SO good!

Nutritional Notes:

  • Almond Flour provides a great alternative to AP flour to add nutritional value (vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants) and is gluten free.

  • Almond Flour is rich in heart healthy fat that can help reduce cholesterol, as well as dietary fiber,

  • Almond Flour is a low glycemic index food, which can help with managing blood sugar levels

  • More info can be found here:

  • Vegan Butter is a plant-based alternative to butter, containing more "good fats" and is free of cholesterol. More info here:

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